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Monday, January 14, 2008

Greatest Dreams

Whether something is possible or impossible for you depends
more on what you do about it than on any other factor. Your
persistent, focused action is what brings possibilities to

Certainly there are obstacles that stand in your way. And
you can choose to use those obstacles as excuses for not
taking action.

Or, you can choose to get up, get motivated and get busy
working your way toward the results you seek. Once you begin
to take action, the obstacles lose their power to stop you
and instead become steps along the pathway to achievement.

The actions necessary for success can often seem to be
difficult, complicated, inconvenient, embarrassing,
uncomfortable, tiresome or demeaning. Realize that those
undesirable qualities are, for the most part, mere
inventions of your mind, and your choice to take action will
override them every time.

When you know what you must do, then go ahead and make it
happen. Stop focusing on the excuses and start moving toward
real, valuable achievement.

Your actions have the power to change your life and to
change your world. Make full use of them, and fulfill your
greatest dreams.

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