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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Imagine it already there

The world you imagine is the world you experience. The life
you imagine is the life you live.

To bring anything into your life, imagine it is already
there. The more completely you imagine it, the more fully it
becomes real for you.

All that you are, you once imagined yourself to be. What do
you choose to imagine now?

Imagination does its work not by tapping into some
supernatural, secret power. Imagination creates your world
by simply and naturally directing the enormous creative
energy that is your life.

Imagination enables you to fully and authentically
experience what is already there. Through the power of your
imagination, you choose your own specific reality from a
limitless set of possibilities.

Be aware and in touch with what you choose to imagine. For
with your imagination, you are choosing the direction of
your life.

Ralph Marston

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