Project Wonderful

Revive Discount Medical

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dr. Eva's Protien Bars

1.c. Almond Flour
1.c. Almonds sliced
half a c. pecans
half a c. walnuts
4th c. pumpkin seeds
4th c. dried cranberries, blueberries, figs or dates
3 tbs. agave syrup
4th c. cocnut oil
4th c. almond butter
5yh c. shredded cocnut
1 egg
2 tsp. cinnamon

Combined all ingredients and stir together. The mixture should be clumpy and stick together. Grab a handful of the mixture and mold it into bar form. Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 11 minutes, let cool and enjoy.

My other blog; ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1. Across this bridge 2. Struggling parents 3. When life become a book 4. Read Between the Lines 5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery 6. Layout Marketing 7. Internet Lifestyle 8. Marketing Myself

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Its a known fact that "Whole Grain" is better for you than "Multi-Grain". When you read the ingredients, the first word should be "Whole Grain". The reason for the "Multi-Grain" is to only attract consumers, but "Multi-Grain" is just plain flour.

Here is a list of Super Grains you can purchase at either the grocery stores or the natural food stores;

It’s the world’s tiniest grain (so small that it can’t be processed or refined) and it is becoming more popular because it’s so versatile. Teff leads the grains in calcium content, which helps strengthen bones and may reduce PMS symptoms. One grain of teff is up to 40% resistant starch, which can help you lose weight if you replace the other carbs you’re filling up on, what I call “carbage” (processed foods like white bread, potato starch, sweets and the like). Teff can be white or dark in color and can be found at your local health food store or online for about $8 per pound. One serving size is about 1/4 cup and 160 calories. Sweater and milder than wheat, teff has a molasses-like flavor. Teff can be cooked hot for a nice breakfast cereal – 1 cup of teff with 2 cups of water or juice, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until it’s thick and the liquid is absorbed. Add fresh fruit on top. Teff is also available in tortillas for a great wrap or to make quesadillas (a lot better than refined flour tortillas and gluten-free too!).


Millet is actually popular all around world – in India, it’s ground into their bread. In Africa, they use it in the porridges and to make beer. In this country, a type of millet is used in birdfeed! Millet provides magnesium and B vitamins, two nutrients that have been shown to help reduce muscle/nerve pain like migraine headaches, muscle tension and cramps. Millet is being rediscovered for its possible role in helping control diabetes and inflammation in the body. Millet is a versatile grain that can be prepared like hot cereal, mashed like potato or fluffed like rice. Ground into flour, millet can be used to make dough, pancakes, muffins or bread. Millet can be found in health-food stores bagged. Whole millet costs about $2 a pound. Look for hulled, not pearled – hulled means it’s whole grain and has more fiber


This grain is known as the “high energy wheat” – it naturally contains lots of fatty acids and more protein than most grains. It has up to 40% more protein than regular wheat. A half-cup of cooked kamut has more protein than an egg! It also has B vitamins and contains omega-3s, which may help the body fight inflammation. It is also higher in vitamin E than common forms of wheat, which helps keep the immune system strong. Buy kamut in a variety of ways at your local health-food store or in the organic aisle at the supermarket: pastas, flour for baking, breads or the whole grain. Depending on the form of kamut, the cost varies from $2 to $4 per pound. It is most important to look for whole-grain kamut to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients.

My other blog; ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1. Across this bridge 2. Struggling parents 3. When life become a book 4. Read Between the Lines 5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery 6. Layout Marketing 7. Internet Lifestyle 8. Marketing Myself